About Me

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For the last year I have been trying to return to my old self, An aneurysm and brain hemorrhage totally changed my life. But I'm a fighter, so most of the people that see me, think that nothing has changed. My world consist of several doctor visits, migraine headaches, and depression. Still I smile. My inner strength comes from GOD! Copyright: Cheryl Lovely is the sole owner of the blog and its content.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Celebrating Life is a new lesson everyday. You never know when what's right around the corner. The beautiful red cardinal has been a part of my life for a few years. I didn't know that he was preparing me for a beautiful friendship. This little bird has brought sunshine in my dreary place. Funny how he always appear when I feel sick, scared, sad, or unsure. The cool thing about him is that he has begun to come around even when I'm having a good day.  Everyday I work hard to get my independence back. This is my Goal...

                         NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE THE POWER OF A BIRD!!!

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