My grand daughters |
My beautiful daughter and the twins |
Precious |
They love hats, just like their grand mother |
My handsome son |
Lovely |
My beautiful big sister |
How can this happen right now, I haven't seen my family in a long time. This is what's going through my head. In and out of consciousness made me think and worry way more than I needed to, but these are the people that I Love so much. I have to get better, so I can hug ,kiss, and love on them. See their faces, let them yell at me for not coming home to visit. I want to see my children, my grand children, my sister, my brother, nephews, aunts, cousins, my ex husband, and friends back home. I'm so sorry I didn't see ya'll more is what is in my head. The drugs made me think about this even more, I Love and need them so!
My children were so afraid and that's understandable, they are in another state and they are feeling helpless, because their mother could die. They want their mother back. The nurses are keeping them posted on my progress. My daughter would call and say the sweetest things to me, My son would say sweet things and then tell me that I'm stubborn and need to move back home. The memories of giving birth to my children, their childhood, achievements, graduations, the witnessing the birth of my twin grand daughters, just everything about them was fresh on my mind. They wanted to get on a plane and come is what they say to me. I tell them to wait not yet. I won't go into the rest, it's personal. It was A very painful decision was made by my children, their father and I that they would pay my bills while I was down, it was one or the other. Come see me or keep a roof over my head. I needed and wanted to see them so badly, but this was necessary Love
My sister tried not to let me know how worried she was, but I know her very well. She called those nurse day and night, they knew that they had better keep her posted! She would call just to say I Love You, that always made me feel good! She wanted to come but the nurses reassured her that I was doing better than they expected, and that since I had round the clock people there, that I would need her more when I get released to go home. It took them a while to convince her of that I think. Funny story: my sister called and two of my friends were visiting me, and they were laughing at me trying to talk on the phone to my sister and I was stoned from the drugs. She was upset at all of the noise in the background, because I was in Neuro ICU. I told her the nurses said that it was good for me. Well she called the nurse to ask about the noise, and how can I get rest. The nurse put her at ease. Love
My Aunt called to talk to me, how are you feeling baby, "in her New Orleans voice)? I Love You ya hear is what she said to me! The noise in the background, she didn't like it either. I think she called the nurse and was put at ease also. Love
My ex-husband called me, he was concerned and said his family was praying for me, and that he and our kids were communicating regarding me. Love
My sister friend Patrice called me, and said hurry up and get better miss. Love
To be continued...